Become an agent

If you own small or medium-sized enterprice located in a commercial area within Italy and you wish to increase your income, INTEL EXPRESS gives you an opportunity to become an agent of our system and start money transfer operations worldwide directly from your office. 

Intel Express offers flexible and mutually beneficial terms for agents: 

Increase of income through commission profits without any additional capital-investment;
An increasing profit share proportional to the ever-increasing fund-transfers marker worldwide;
An ever-growing number of potential clients;
A wider range of services offered to your clients; 
A complete software solution;
Flexible terms of commission settlement via direct payment;
Mutually beneficial commission distribution.

We are ready and flexible for your cooperation.


  •  Highly secured, user-friendly technology – flexible operating system, fast transaction processing
  •  Aggressive growth model
  •  Potential for other line of products
  •  Afordable transfer and competitive exchange rates – choice of payout currencies 
  •  Loyalty programs
  •  Quality service
  •  We are always available – Intel Express customer service line provides 24 hours service 365 days a year with multi lingual staff
  •  The most advanced compliance processes to all transactions for the prevention of illicit transactions
  •  Extensive network – own and direct o‑ces all over the world
  •  Location specific or anywhere payout


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